My Plan

  • Better Buses for Worcester

    Buses play an important part in a modern metropolitan city like Worcester, and we need to secure better services to help people get about our great city.

  • Better healthcare for you & your family

    I’m campaigning for quicker access to GPs and NHS dentists, more capacity at the Worcestershire Royal, better hospital parking facilities and more mental health services, especially for young people.

  • More visible policing and safer streets

    My priorities are for a named police officer in every community in the City, ensuring that every crime is investigated properly and that there is renewed focus on tackling car crime, burglary and anti-social behaviour.

  • Better paid and higher skilled jobs

    I’m working to support the creation of 5,000 new high-quality jobs in the City in sectors such as professional services, advanced manufacturing and healthcare.

  • Access to high quality education for all

    I will lobby for the funding needed to build new primary, secondary and special needs schools in the City, as well as expand further education and apprenticeship numbers.

  • Improving transport options

    I am working with others to improve bus services in the evenings and at the weekends, provide better cycling facilities and reduce train journey times to London, Birmingham and other key centres.

  • Protecting Worcester’s environment

    Safeguarding the City’s natural beauty, greenspaces and environment is one of my key priorities.  I will continue to oppose inappropriate developments and insist on high quality proposals that enhance rather than detract.